Friday 18 April 2014

Final Project Year 3: Revised Cinema Building

Since developing the ideas for the cinema building and creating a Revit model of the design the project has been revised, this post shows the detail schedule created for the previous design. Over the coming weeks the design will be refined and any problems found with the below details will be overcome.

The details were all produced on A3 sheets and in order to understand where they relate to the following drawings were produced:

Monday 3 March 2014

Final Project Year 3: Cinema building renders

As my project is now down to the final detailing I am including some images of the cinema building which has been created using Autodesk Revit 2013, these identify key design features of my building and help create a sense of what my building would be like if it were ever constructed.
The first image is a 3D perspective of the entire building, below are the views of the no-alcohol bar seating area.

Next is the view between the cinema pods from the computer room.
The final internal image below is of the 75 seat cinema screen room.
The final image shows part of the external space complete with the climbing wall on the external face of the wall of the building.
The next images to add will be the details once they have been completed.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Final Project Year 3: Cinema Building Details

Below is a drawing of three details for my revised cinema building, I will use the details to create sections and the sections will be used to extrapolate the elevations of the building.
These details show the structure of how the building will be assembled.

Final Project Year 3: Finalised Dome Building design.

These are the finalised designs for the Dome building. All of the elevations are similar for this building so only two have been drawn, one floor plan is shown and a section is included with the elevations. Three details have been included.

This has got my blog back up to date and future posts will be further revisions of my design.

Final Project Year 3: Finalised design for Hall building.

These are my finalised ideas for my Hall building, included are the elevations, a section and the details.

The details for this building are not complete but as I am focusing on the cinema building for the remainder of this project this is as complete as it will get.

Final Project Year 3: Preliminary Cinema building design.

Hello, It has been a while since I last posted on this blog, so here are the progressions of my work.

These images show CAD drawn images of the starting idea for my cinema building design, included are the elevations, floor plans and a section.

These are currently being redeveloped to create the final design. At this stage due to the large size of project I shall focus on this particular building. The other buildings are as finished as they will get and will be shown on my next posts.