Saturday 26 October 2013

Final Project Year 3: More Precedent Studies

I have carried out more research into what products and materials I will include in my design project. I firstly looked at a 3D dome cinema (which would be for displaying a planetarium show of virtual haunted house experience) and a temporary ice rink. These would be seasonal and interchangeable but will be housed in a specially designed building.

I also examined cladding materials and decided I will use a metal mesh cladding material. The two examples shown are untreated copper and untreated steel, both of which have been allowed to weather. My preference is to use the copper with a blue/green slate as a roofing material to compliment it, this is dependant on budget. 

Final Project Year 3: Client

As part of my project it was required that I identify my own client as this helps limit my budget, which in turn helps inform my design. The photograph below shows that I identified a local philanthropist as a potential client, his name is Martin Ainscough. He funds similar projects in areas surrounding my chosen site.

Budget has yet to be worked out, but as the client has been identified and the size of development has been decided it will be easy to work out approximate costs involved. From these costs I can decide if the project is viable of whether my design needs re-considering.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Year 3 Final Project: Map Information

The latest piece of work I created is based on the maps I found during the research stage of this project, the photograph below shows the maps created to show sun path, major traffic paths and housing likely to have young people as part of the household.

The Maps are to illustrate that my project will work in the area chosen and will influence my design as the sun path will influence the position of the buildings. The site is a landmark site with major roads past the site. This has influenced my decision to use the curved end of the site for a unique, interesting building which will attract people to it.

Monday 14 October 2013

Year 3 Final Project: Site Photographs

The next stage of this project was to gather photographs of the site ( a job made easy thanks to finding 56 photographs on the Chorley Council Planning Search website!), some of these were included on the sheet in the photograph below.
The Photographs show the actual site including the part demolished building which remains, and the surrounding area. The houses in the surrounding area are likely to have a high proportion of families as there are several schools in the locality, the reason I decided to create a youth centre.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Year 3 Final Project: Precedent Studies

To further my design ideas I decided to look at existing examples of youth centres across the world, these are included in the photograph below. I chose buildings which use materials I like, styles I like or layouts similar to my proposed design.

The youth centres are located in the UK from Birmingham to Ealing, in Lille France and Chicago in the USA. Most of these designs have been constructed however a few are still at the design stage.
From looking at these buildings I realised that there is a common theme to most newly constructed youth centres and decided I wanted something unique for my project.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Year 3 Project: Related Info

This is the second stage of this project, it is any related info for the site. The photograph below shows the sheet I created in order to display newspaper articles which justify the use I decided to put the site to. The articles include two related to house building on the site, the demolition of the 1930s cinema, the development of a small 'Youth Zone' and a demand for development on the site.

The project demanded that there be a programme of works, list of required professions (Project team), core objectives, business case, sustainability case and pre-application discussions included and these are what are shown on the sheet included in the photograph below.

Monday 7 October 2013

Year 3 Final Project: Research

The Project this year involves choosing a site of your own and creating your own brief for the site. I therefore chose a site in Chorley (Lancashire) which is the former location of an Initial Textile Factory. The site is located towards the outskirts of Chorley but within a heavily populated area.

The above photograph shows the research I conducted for the site, it includes three maps of the location of my site (in Blue Highlighter pen) at different scales to show how it relates to the wider area, planning forms for both full and outline permission, Chorley Local Plan pages relevant to the site and three planning permission data sheets for plans which have already been passed. I shall use this information to help decide what use my site would be best for.

Saturday 5 October 2013

An Introduction


My name is Michael Hood, I am a final year Architectural Technology student at the University of Central Lancashire.

This blog will be used to show the best of my work from previous years and the progression through the final year.

I will update as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading.

Michael Hood

Preston Bus Station

This is the final second year project which was a group project which I completed in conjunction with other students on the course Lee Stansfield and Adam Brown. It was to create a new use for Preston Bus Station, the design we created was to use a third of the buildings ground floor as a bus station, the rest of the ground floor as a shopping area with a large restaurant in the centre and a university gallery space at one end, the mezzanine floor would become an extension for the Museum of Lancashire and a youth centre. The top floors would become a levelled out green space with entertaining (Stage) area and small buildings to be used for 'pop up' shops or restaurants. The remaining floors would remain as car parks.  

Space Left Over After Planning

This is the third of the second year projects, the title of which is Space Left Over After Planning (SLOAP). The intension of the project was to identify an area of ground which has no use and develop it for use as a small recreational shelter for the University. For my project I chose to use a disused road over railway bridge in Preston, I chose the use of multifunctional seating area. The design included a fold up wall with integrated personnel door, once folded up the wall became a canopy to allow all weather external seating. The timber framed design with full length glass panels enable the shelter to sit within the bridge without detracting from the aesthetics of the brick built bridge.  

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Extension for Architectural Technology room

This is the second of my Second Year projects, it was to create an extension to the architectural technology department at the University of Central Lancashire. The above image includes the precedent studies, existing elevations and floor plan of the building, 3D computer model of the proposed design, a section through the proposed design, elevations of the proposed design and proposed floor plan for the new design.

Site Analysis

This is my first Second Year project, it involved looking at a site in Preston City centre and finding out the relevant information about the site. The above image is the presentation of the site photographs, maps, a site sketch with solar path and weather data graphs. This project enabled me to learn all the necessary skills required for conducting further site analyses.

My First Year Work

This image is the work submitted for the first year degree show, it illustrates the best of my work from this year. The projects shown on it include a design for a straw bale constructed office ( a design for a competition which was for an office inside a church in Wales), a design for a billboard wall designed to advertise the university, a design for an office space suited for my needs, a design for a garden sized studio office and a re-design of a shop located on Fishergate in Preston city centre. Next I will post my second year work.